Background: Chronic subdural hematoma is one of the most frequent neurosurgical conditions encountered in elderly people (usually, after minor head trauma) and in patients on long term anticoagulation and long term hemodialysis. The aims of this study is to evaluate the clinical characteristics found in chronic subdural hematoma patients & the surgical outcomes, complications and recurrence rate in chronic subdural hematoma patients. Method: A prospective study of surgical treatment of chronic subdural hematoma, clinical characteristics, surgical outcomes, complication and recurrence rate was done over a period of 2 months between 1st June, 2020 and 31st July, 2020 at GMC Jammu. Result: A total of 35 patients of chronic subdural hematoma, 28 males and 7 females underwent surgery. Maximum were in the age group range of 66-70 years and 81-85 years. 20 cases developed SDH after trauma (due to fall) and 15 cases developed spontaneous SDH. The most common presenting complaint of patients seen in our study was hemiplegia/hemiparesis in 26 cases followed by headache in 15 cases. 10 cases were found to have bilateral hematoma. The most common post-operative complication observed was reaccumulation of hematoma seen in 4 cases. In our study out of 35 patients 27 had GCS score of 15. These patients were discharged home earlier post-operatively, with good outcome. Surgical outcome was good in 100% cases & 0% surgical mortality was observed. Conclusion: Burr hole evacuation for chronic subdural hematoma provides significant improvements is neurological status and good outcomes with 0% mortality observed in our study.
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