Background: Long waiting time in outpatient clinics is a constant challenge for patients and the health care providers. Prolonged waiting times are associated with poor adherence to treatment, missed appointment and failure or delay in initiation of treatment and is a major factor towards the perception of the patient towards the care received. Objective: To determine the waiting time and associated factors among out patients attending staff clinic at University of Nairobi health services. Method: A cross-sectional study design was used and data collected from 384 ambulatory patients over a period of four weeks using an interviewer administered pretested structured exit questionnaire with a time-tracking section. Simple random sampling was used to select respondents in a walk- in outpatient clinic set up. Data was cleaned and analysed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) 20. Analysis of variance (ANOVA), and cross tabulation was used to establish associations between the independent variable and dependent variables. Results: In total 384 patients were tracked and interviewed. The average patient waiting time was 55.3mins.Most respondents (52%) suggested that improving availability of staff at their stations would help to reduce patient waiting time. In this study, gender (P=0.005) and availability of doctors (p=0.000) were found to affect patient waiting time with women waiting longer than the male patients. Conclusion: Majority of the patients spent about an hour at the facility to be served. Inadequate number of health workers was the main cause of long waiting time.
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