
Ultrasound guided Cervical Plexus Block (CPB) is a technique that has been applied in parathyroid surgery. Main advantages of ultrasound technique include a direct view of nerves; local anaesthetic (LA) spreading during injection; reduced volume of LA; blood vessels and other structures injury is significantly reduced. It is especially useful in patients with serious comorbidities, in which possible peri-operative consequences and risks of general anaesthesia can be avoided. Based on our first results of the presented cases, we can say that superficial CPB is a safe and simple procedure in order to provide perioperative analgesia in parathyroid surgery.

Keywords: parathyroidectomy, regional anaesthesia, ultrasound, Serbia


 How to Cite
Stojanovic, M., Toskovic, A., Mojsic, I., Jovanovic, M. ., Zoric, G., Odalovic, B., … Zivaljevic, V. (2023). Ultrasound Guided Cervical Plexus Block for Parathyroidectomy-Out First Experiences. International Journal of Innovative Research in Medical Science, 8(03), 125–128. https://doi.org/10.23958/ijirms/vol08-i03/1638

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