
A large proportion of patients with advanced lung neoplasia will develop major airway obstruction. We present a 68-year-old man with small cell lung carcinoma, with a tracheo-bronchial stent, admitted to the emergency room with sudden dyspnea, hypoxemia and abolished breath sounds on the right. The radiography showed a complete opacification of the right lung and a chest computed tomography revealed total occlusion of the stent in the right main bronchus. He underwent rigid bronchoscopy with removal of thick secretions and clots, with lung re-expansion and resolution of respiratory failure.

Keywords: lung cancer, airway stent, airway stent complication, Portugal

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 How to Cite
Barata, B., Urmal, I., Lalanda, C., Salsinha Frade, J., Bravo, A., & Margarido, E. (2024). Complication of Tracheobronchial Prosthesis: Occlusion due to Secretions. International Journal of Innovative Research in Medical Science, 9(09), 537–538. https://doi.org/10.23958/ijirms/vol09-i09/1965

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