
The modern healthcare landscape demands easily accessible, timely, and patient-focused healthcare services. Though the primary health-care serves as the important pillar of healthcare delivery, increasing patient needs demands innovative and technology-based models. Integrating urgent care services and minor procedures within primary care settings presents a promising approach to further enhance healthcare access, improve care coordination, and optimize resource utilization. This narrative review aimed to critically examine the current literature on the integration of urgent care and minor procedures within the primary care settings, focusing on patient access, quality of care, healthcare costs, and implementation challenges. The review revealed that integrating urgent care and minor procedures within primary care settings can enhance patient access by reducing wait times and expanding service availability. It can also improve care coordination by streamlining communication and facilitating better chronic disease management. Furthermore, this integration can optimize resource utilization by reducing emergency department visits and improving operational efficiency. However, challenges include resource investment, defining clear service boundaries, and maintaining high-quality care across all services. Integrating urgent care and minor procedures within primary care settings promises a significant potential in improvising patient access, enhance care coordination, and optimize resource utilization. However, careful planning, adequate resource allocation, and robust quality assurance mechanisms are further needed for successful implementation. Further research is needed to evaluate the long-term impact of these integrated models on patient outcomes, healthcare costs, and health equity.

Keywords: Primary care, Urgent care, Minor procedures, Integrated care, Healthcare access, Care coordination, Resource utilization, Patient outcomes, Saudi Arabia


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 How to Cite
AlFawaz, A. (2025). Enhancing Primary Health Care with Urgent Care and Minor Procedures: Narrative Review. International Journal of Innovative Research in Medical Science, 10(03), 118–124. https://doi.org/10.23958/ijirms/vol10-i03/2040

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