
Aim and Objectives: To monitor and assess the prevalence, risk factors, and treatment strategies of polycystic ovary syndrome.

Materials and Methods: A prospective study was conducted in various hospitals of Palakkad from November 2016- April 2017. A total of 207 cases were collected. Patients of age between 15-50years with polycystic ovary syndrome were included in the study.

Results and Discussion: The maximum number of patients belongs to 21-25 years. Risk factors of study population include hypothyroidism (69%), followed by cardiovascular disease, obesity, migraine etc. Medroxy progesterone (30%), Clomiphene citrate (23%), Ethinyl estradiol (16%), Metformin (15%) etc are given as treatment for PCOS.

Conclusion: From the study it shows that the prevalent age group is 21-25 years. Hypothyroidism is the major risk factor for PCOS. Current treatment strategies include medroxy progesterone, clomiphene citrate, followed by ethinyl estradiol and metformin.


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 How to Cite
C. I. Sajeeth, R. .C. F., & N.M., M. (2017). Prevalence, Risk Factors, and Treatment Strategies of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome at Various Hospitals, Palakkad: A Prospective Study. International Journal of Innovative Research in Medical Science, 2(06), 784 to 788. https://doi.org/10.23958/ijirms/vol02-i06/02

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