
Objective: To evaluate bronchoscopic findigs in patients referred for bronchoscopy.

Method: This is a prospective study done at tertiary care centre. Observations of bronchoscopy were noted in patients referred from various departments for flexible fiberoptic bronchoscopy.

Results: Of 48 cases studied, 23 cases (47.9%) were males and 25 cases (52.08%) were females. Male to female sex ratio in the entire group was 1: 1.08. The minimum – maximum age range was 21.0 years – 72.0 years and the mean ± SD of age of the entire group was 55.4 ± 10 years.

Of 48 cases studied, 32 cases (66.6%) had cancer of esophagus, 13 cases (27.0%) had cancer of lung, 1 case (2.08%) had cancer of ovary, 1 case (2.08%) had cancer of thyroid, and 1 case (2.08%) had cancer of pyriform fossa diagnosis. Of 48 cases of malignancy studied (n=48), 35 cases (72.91%) had normal Bronchoscopic findings and 13 cases (27.08%) had abnormal Bronchoscopic findings.

In nonpulmonary malignancies abnormal bronchoscopic findings are 14.28% (n=35)


  1. All patients diagnosed of non-pulmonary malignancies should be evaluated for Pulmonary and endobronchial metastases.

        2. All patients diagnosed of esophageal malignancy should be evaluated for tracheobroncheal involvement.


 How to Cite
Gaikwad, D. D. R. (2018). Analysis of Bronchoscopic Findings in Patients Diagnosed with Malignancies. International Journal of Innovative Research in Medical Science, 3(03), 1825 to 1830. https://doi.org/10.23958/ijirms/vol03-i03/09

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