Original Article | Open Access
Vol. 4 No. 11 (2019)
Page No.: 621 to 626 |
Assistant Professor, Department of General Education, RAK Medical and Health Sciences University, UAE
Assistant Professor, RAK College of Nursing, RAK Medical and Health Sciences University, UAE
Senior Lecturer, RAK College of Nursing, RAK Medical and Health Sciences University, UAE
Instructor, RAK College of Medicine, RAK Medical and Health Sciences University, UAE
Professor & Chairperson, Department of Internal Medicine, RAK College of Medicine, RAK Medical and Health Sciences University, UAE
This study examined how technology influences the study habits of students at RAK Medical and Health Sciences University. A cross sectional survey was conducted among 306 health sciences students using a self-administered questionnaire about their study habits (preparation for exam, place of study, use of text books / online study, device used, time spent on technology) and use of technology. The results showed that students rely more on technology than text books to study. Further studies can be conducted to investigate how technology can be used to improve their psychomotor and linguistic skills including communication skills which are vital for health care professionals.
Study habits, technology, university students, influence
Copyrights & License
Copyright © 2019 Dr. Huma Zaidi Dr. Rabab Abd El Kader Ms. Sheeba David Dr. Abeer Sharmeen Rahman Dr. Raghavendra Bhat this is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

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